Monday, June 30, 2008
euro cup:)
okay heres the chase futbal has ended and im sad well im happy just cause spain won and in the finals just so u noe torress scored(husband no 5) but the worse part is i wudnt be able to stay up late nites watchin futbal and screaming for hot guys eg torress,casillas,arshavin and many more UGH the horror anyways i started studying already really proud of myself but just so u noe im behind my schedule and im streessed out 4 more months till my olevels and my trials is on the 26th of august i wont go on9 nemore or blog so if u wanna noe my life just call me or messaged vice versa cya all and don forget to call me and wish me luck aite!
happy belated birthday jonathan lourdes solomon:D!
firstly id like to apauligize to u jon! for not wishing u earlier(not my fault:P) well happy belated birthday dude all the best in yr undertakings and i just wanna say that u have awesome friends like the one writting u this shoutout and that ill always have your back no also like to wish u many happy returns of that day(notice the past tense) and and agugugu la old man! so when u gonna take me out and belanja me ey! haha na more like the other way round ryte jon if u dont id tell harrry! hahaha anyways hoped u enjoy yr birthday cheers:)!
Monday, May 26, 2008
sexxy 17
im turning seveenteen soon! yipeee curently ive got none to think of,eg prezzies,i guess wht ppl do tell u as u get older birthdays are more depressing than captivating i guess age becomes the limiting factor and u tend to grow up and don get all that excited over prezzies,for me a good health,healthy family relationship is a blessing that ill cherish! any birthday plans? we'll hrmmm justtaught of goin to watch movie i noe lame! but like i said i don have any mood or whatsoever to celebrate it but mum said i shud throw a party cuz it wud be my last year here in the year 2009 ill be in overseas and how am i gonna celebrate with my frens:d or may be ill just follow the quote, when in west do what the westerners do! and the best part is i was jokingly telling my mum to get me a wedding cake look alike birthday cake and she really got me a 2 layer cake:s amazing what mothers can do and ill snap a pic when my birthday comes! cuz im only getting the cake on my birthday! haha 3 layers:s its like im jinx-ing my wedding or sumthing but what can i say mummy loves me to much!
picture as i have promised once a upon a time!
ah yes although mid year exams are over i still havent got the mood to study unlike YIH SHAN! yes yih shan im making u popular u geek! i envy u ningkankpup! seriously stop studying and watch tv like me! haha im kidding i just wish i had the same will power as u do! really proud of u yih shan:D okay all this studyin is really making me feel anxious is this my call to study now? perhaps okay ill do history! haha remember what susila said 10 hrs a day? i barely can even take 1 hr okayokay ranmeet say its our turning point she actually kinda use my own words against me thx ran! and stop dreaming about him and go study la women! cheers to o levelss ranmeet! my overseas partner! i hope we don party to hard once where there and drool over hot white guys and not concentrate on our medic studies haha that wud be awesome wudnt it! anyways for now o levels is/are my priority take care blogger
picture as i have promised once a upon a time!

ah yes although mid year exams are over i still havent got the mood to study unlike YIH SHAN! yes yih shan im making u popular u geek! i envy u ningkankpup! seriously stop studying and watch tv like me! haha im kidding i just wish i had the same will power as u do! really proud of u yih shan:D okay all this studyin is really making me feel anxious is this my call to study now? perhaps okay ill do history! haha remember what susila said 10 hrs a day? i barely can even take 1 hr okayokay ranmeet say its our turning point she actually kinda use my own words against me thx ran! and stop dreaming about him and go study la women! cheers to o levelss ranmeet! my overseas partner! i hope we don party to hard once where there and drool over hot white guys and not concentrate on our medic studies haha that wud be awesome wudnt it! anyways for now o levels is/are my priority take care blogger
Thursday, May 22, 2008
three words that comes to my mind after 3 weeks of exam! i mean 2 hrs each at least:s thats like ughhhhh makes u go nuts but i wanna thank god 4 goin through the exam without any headaches! now i can finally rest in my comfy pillows not waking up at 3 am and studying and crying it feels as thou o levels is over! YES AMERICAN IDOL TODAY! go baby cook!~ i hope u win so that we wud start our fairytale together haha!me u some cooking pans its all good cook! like roy always say JE'TAIME MY DARLING! aha thx roy 4 at least teaching me few flemish words now that yr back in belgium hope u have a wonderful time and i hate u again 4 always leaving me here
u wait when i come there theres not a day ill let u live in peace i tell u! ill bother u ever single day like bringin me to antwerp and all haha! im kidding anyways fyi:i feel stupid really stupid,just cant wait 4 results to noe where i stand so that i can work harder! ugh! but 4 now fun is my middle name damn tired d wanna snooze than ive got to go tuition yes mrs wong!im coming already! geeee
u wait when i come there theres not a day ill let u live in peace i tell u! ill bother u ever single day like bringin me to antwerp and all haha! im kidding anyways fyi:i feel stupid really stupid,just cant wait 4 results to noe where i stand so that i can work harder! ugh! but 4 now fun is my middle name damn tired d wanna snooze than ive got to go tuition yes mrs wong!im coming already! geeee
Saturday, May 10, 2008
crazy weekend!
okay blogger ive been really stressed out i just realised that i study to much and im still stupid! so what can i do other than be stupid well now i guess its my turning point in life to study harder and not play around time to get serious! with a pinch of coffee(which i dun take at all) has to be in my list if i need the pace to cope with my o levels,whats this all for?i mean yeah yeah to get a place in yr career but i mean y do i have to take 10 bloody useless subjects which are not in my career necessity,y cant this be like america where those wish to pursue only take up those specific subject? ugh! anyways been having lots and lots of exam after exam mummy says she wanna go philipines again!:( ugh well at least the boys are good looking there so ill have fun:D and plus its like a stress reliever! ive physics exam this monday so screwed havent touch my form 4 yet die wei!mr chan(private tutor) WHERE ARE U WHEN I NEED U! if only u were more active on internet than we cud have the r&d session through webcam haha! nah im seeing u tomorrow at 12:D and thank god 4 that sorry! im not feeling well exams are stressful,i told mummy after my o levels if im still around(migrating) or to where ever im goin! that i wanna at least take 3 months of break i need it! to go on holidays and so fort! needs it badly! cant wait 4 all this to end, premed here i come! gotta hit the sheets! gotta go church 2 morrow nite blog!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
today i woke up on the wrong side of the bed cuz im finally blogging......okay this week has been amazing my belgium cousin came down droolsss! haha so wrong but yeah his down and we meet like everyday thats cuz i havent seen him in a really really long time and i must say that he became more buffed up(he made me say this) okay my first date with cousin was in bukit bintang,went and ate at tarbush and than went jalan jalan! and my feet killed me after long walks.....well before i go on any further without introducing him
name:heylen roy
d.o.b:17 july 1987
status: dating a jap chick called yuki
bloodline:50% chinese& 50% dutch
obsessed:asian girls
height:1m82 ish
body type:buffed( he made me do this again)
mobile number:++36 sumthing sumthing sumthing well ask me personally
thats bassically roy the cousin i grew up in diapers well not exactly miles were apart and anyhow we love each other:0 anyways i found it ironic that i was scrolling through ppls blog and i mean they keep on using this BOMBASTIC words without even knowing themeaning i mean just stick to basic english and don blow yr own trumphet while yr at it geeeeeeee bombastic+ self praise no comments! and i just found out christiano ronaldo makes like rm 1 million a week oh marry me! i din noe futballers get that much of money just kicking balls 4 90 minutes and that my sister wishes to pursue to aviation! all of a sudden i was like wat the! hahaha imagine this is yr captain melissa ill be like nooooooooooooo! well it wud be cool not sseeing her all the time is a yay 4 me! so im thinkin about studying ive got no classes tomorrow lifes good, and yes girls nail polish remover by skin food is the best ever my new love! adios!
name:heylen roy
d.o.b:17 july 1987
status: dating a jap chick called yuki
bloodline:50% chinese& 50% dutch
obsessed:asian girls
height:1m82 ish
body type:buffed( he made me do this again)
mobile number:++36 sumthing sumthing sumthing well ask me personally
thats bassically roy the cousin i grew up in diapers well not exactly miles were apart and anyhow we love each other:0 anyways i found it ironic that i was scrolling through ppls blog and i mean they keep on using this BOMBASTIC words without even knowing themeaning i mean just stick to basic english and don blow yr own trumphet while yr at it geeeeeeee bombastic+ self praise no comments! and i just found out christiano ronaldo makes like rm 1 million a week oh marry me! i din noe futballers get that much of money just kicking balls 4 90 minutes and that my sister wishes to pursue to aviation! all of a sudden i was like wat the! hahaha imagine this is yr captain melissa ill be like nooooooooooooo! well it wud be cool not sseeing her all the time is a yay 4 me! so im thinkin about studying ive got no classes tomorrow lifes good, and yes girls nail polish remover by skin food is the best ever my new love! adios!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
my bombastical day
okay i just got back from tuition to be precise add maths and as usual it was vector okay watever who gives adamn about vector and i don even noe whther doctors wud actually need vectors in thier DAILY ACTIVITIES! but yih shan said don drop important well we'll just have to see perhaps shes ryte:D or yet again no anyways ive got exactly 8 months more to go and funny part to day leanne said it was kinda early to start studying! 8 months is barely what 7 months exclude holidays and skul days anyways today was funny cuz kaveeta had a big pimple on her lips and susanna had a pimple on her nose(rudolph) sory bitch! inoe u love me how ironic pimpls and i just found out that i have a pimple below my lips gubs yr pimple is contagious! hahah bitchness! ive been thinkin really if medical is my line i mean ive so much passion in other stuff so is this medical really worthied i mean i do wanna be a doctor too and other stuff too which i cant tell cuz its really stupid but my parents are gonna spend a bomb 4 my studies better not let them down well theres gotta be a doctor heritage down the line now ryte perhaps but my stupid brother advises me to be an engineer helloooooo i aint wanna calculate all my life actuari science? hell no its more of jon lai's expertise hrmmmmm singer? well may be depends but msia never gonna bring u anywhere anyways ive got a few options in my career here's the list
2)obsterics and gynaecologist
3)plastic surgeon
well that pretty much narrows my option if u guys got any suggestion pls pls pls list down thanks gotta study with my massive headache! takecare!
2)obsterics and gynaecologist
3)plastic surgeon
well that pretty much narrows my option if u guys got any suggestion pls pls pls list down thanks gotta study with my massive headache! takecare!
Friday, February 29, 2008
i'll be yr spain and u'll be my spaniate
hey hey my day so far has gone by really slow:( but the britgher side is my exams were over yesterday and guess what?no more studying 4 now that is but geee the hardest part of an exam week is taking back the results probably ill get screwed later , but ive still got my goals while this weekend
a)watch jumper( hayden christensen !)
b)get another piercing
c)chill out with mummy
d)may be a tatttoo
e)go starhill
anyways ive got only 3 days of rest lets see what i can accomplish in such notice:D anyways carry on this year has really been hectic 4 me from studies,work,studies, and tons more i feel like flying to bali just 4 a weekend holiday gonna pursuay mummy on that wan cuz shes always so edgy to bring due to ....! so far my lifes been great and wishes to get out of highskul asquick as possible and trust methat wud be my luxury more than having big diamonds,all themoney in the world or even harry! EH WAIT HARRY IS AN UNEXCEPTIONAL he'll always be my baby! cheers:D anyways i really dont noe what to blog about rather than my same routine everyday that is waking up,skul,hmwrk,and the cycle is started back except 4 weekends its a lil better that is SLEEP:D! and curently the song thats playin in my head HAPPY BIRTHDAY BY CLICKFIVE:D
a)watch jumper( hayden christensen !)
b)get another piercing
c)chill out with mummy
d)may be a tatttoo
e)go starhill
anyways ive got only 3 days of rest lets see what i can accomplish in such notice:D anyways carry on this year has really been hectic 4 me from studies,work,studies, and tons more i feel like flying to bali just 4 a weekend holiday gonna pursuay mummy on that wan cuz shes always so edgy to bring due to ....! so far my lifes been great and wishes to get out of highskul asquick as possible and trust methat wud be my luxury more than having big diamonds,all themoney in the world or even harry! EH WAIT HARRY IS AN UNEXCEPTIONAL he'll always be my baby! cheers:D anyways i really dont noe what to blog about rather than my same routine everyday that is waking up,skul,hmwrk,and the cycle is started back except 4 weekends its a lil better that is SLEEP:D! and curently the song thats playin in my head HAPPY BIRTHDAY BY CLICKFIVE:D
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
happy birthday faye
okay i havent been blogging in ages but ey u cant balme me 4 having clammy hands and not wanting to post or better still not finding the time i mean like i dun even have time 4 myself...anyways today faye turned 17 bitch happy birthday again!:D fetch me back home again k u my biatch:D hehe anyways its been studying all the way 4 this week till my second term break which is possible in march so yeah wheeeeyaaaaplus not to mention that i ahve the coolest bestie in town(yih ming) the funny part is shes my daughter and im kimora so i call her aoki ming:D cool name huh she just makes me laugh and its like we bonded since we met and ming just to let u noe im yr leaning shoulder,yr tissue,yr tears and yr bestie and i shall cherish u till death do us part(chessy) but heck yeah its life:) the most saddest part is we wud be apart after our spm :( to future medicine ming:D cheers! anyways blogged enuff still aint satisfied u noe what call me and ill tell u my daily life:Dwait don! study call me end of the year at 00447765947584(house in england:)) haha suckers!:D
Monday, February 4, 2008
bleeding love

Closed off from love
I didn’t need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you’re frozen
But something happened For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground Found something true
And everyone’s looking round
Thinking I’m going crazy
But I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
cut me open Trying hard not to hear But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt Yet I know that the goal Is to keep me from falling
But nothing’s greater Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness I see your face
Yet everyone around me Thinks that I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe
But I don’t care what they say [Bleeding Love lyrics on I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I.... Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open And it’s draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe I’ll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you They try to pull me away But they don’t know the truth My heart’s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I.... Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open and I.... Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
Thursday, January 10, 2008
miss buzy
ive been hell busy since skul reopened always on my feet and ive a fcukin oral presentation tomorrow hell worried about it sigh! life of being a 17 much responsibility and nearer to my drivers licensed too:) im goin off to camp 4 2 morrow will post it the next time i come on!
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